/ ראשית - עיונים ביהדות

תקצירים באנגלית + שער אחורי

Reshit is a peer-reviewed journal that is published annually with the support of the Robert and Arlene Kogod Research Center for Contemporary Jewish Thought, Shalom Hartman Institute

Adam Afterman • Shmuel Herr • Ronit Irshai
Ariel Picard • Ishay Rosen-Zvi

Submitting a Manuscript

Proposed manuscripts for publication should be sent prepared according to our guidelines here, formatted as DOC or DOCX. Two abstracts—Hebrew and English—should accompany it. The editors will not discuss manuscripts that have not been formatted correctly or are in lieu of abstracts. The authors will receive a PDF of their final article. Responsibility for opinions expressed in the articles is that of the author alone.

Address: Reshit, Shalom Hartman Institute, P.O. Box 8029, Jerusalem 9108001.

Manuscripts should be sent to Eugene D. Matanky, editorial assistant.

עוד בנושא
הוספת תגובה
עיקבו אחרי מכון הרטמן
הרשמו לניוזלטר של מכון הרטמן


The End of Policy Substance in Israel Politics